Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)


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Release Date: July 10, 2020

Famed archaeologist and explorer Indiana Jones was introduced in 1981’s "Raiders of the Lost Ark" – and later thrilled audiences in 1984’s "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom," 1989’s "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade," and 2008’s Indiana Jones and the "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

Cast: Harrison Ford

Studio: Walt Disney Pictures, Lucasfilm
Director: Steven Spielberg
Screenwriter: David Koepp
Genre: Action, Adventure

Official Website: /

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Is Indiana Jones 5 coming in 2018?

When Disney bought Lucasfilm, they purchased not only Star Wars but the whole lot, including Willow, Radioland Murders and that little franchise known as Indiana Jones. As the 72-year-old Harrison Ford looks less and less likely to step back into his most iconic role, rumors have swirled that Chris Pratt might become the first actor to re-interpret the lead role in features, and now AintItCool is reporting scuttlebutt they’ve heard about Lucasfilm pencilling in a release window for Indiana Jones 5 in the fourth quarter of 2018.

Despite the site’s “trusted sources,” even they recommend taking the word with a grain of salt, and even if it is true it may only be internal wishful thinking, especially given the already ambitious slate of Star Wars films and TV shows the company is launching over the next several years. In a May interview with Lucasfilm head honcho Kathleen Kennedy, she stressed that a new Indiana Jones adventure “will one day be made inside this company. When it will happen, I’m not quite sure. We haven’t started working on a script yet, but we are talking about it.”

This slightly contradicts what her husband and producer on all four previous Indy films, Frank Marshall, told SlashFilm recently,

“No, there’ve been no discussions on that,” Marshall said. “We’ve had no discussions on ‘Indy 5′ to date.”

And then there are the statements that George Lucas has made in the past to multiple outlets that he is trying to crack a story, or that he had cracked a story, or rumors that the McGuffin was the Bermuda Triangle (a hot property in Hollywood right now). Lucas has stated that despite being retired from blockbusters, he might still be open to shepherding another Jones film to the screen. Given the fact that Disney and J.J. Abrams reportedly threw out many of his concepts for the new Star Wars trilogy, the maverick billionaire may be disenchanted by the idea of working within the strictures of the Mouse House.

As for the Chris Pratt rumors, it’s important to remember that not too long ago many sites were reporting Bradley Cooper as “a lock” to take over the whip and fedora from Harrison Ford. Pratt is the new box office king thanks to Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World, but as he told the Nerdist Podcast recently, he’s only had one conversation about becoming archaeologist Indiana Jones.

“I actually got a call today from my brother and he said it’d be cool if I did it, so I have my brother’s permission,” Pratt said jokingly. “That’s the first of many steps, none of the other steps have happened. (laughs)”


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Will Indiana Jones 5 reteam Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford?

Will Harrison Ford once again wear the iconic fedora for a Steven Spielberg-helmed Indiana Jones 5? Spielberg himself certainly makes it sound like that’s the plan, speaking with Yahoo! Movies on behalf of his latest film, Bridge of Spies. Set for release this Friday, October 16, Bridge of Spies stars Tom Hanks and marks the Academy Award-winning actor’s fourth teaming with Spielberg. As you can watch for yourself in the below video conversation, Spielberg, sitting next to Hanks, explains that Hanks and Ford are currently tied when it comes to the number of times they’ve been his leading man.

“We’ve gotta figure this out because now,” Spielberg says. “Tom is tied with Harrison Ford: Harrison and I did four movies, Tom and I have done four movies. Now I’ll probably do an Indy 5 with Harrison. It’ll be five for Harrison, four for Tom… [Then] I’ve got to make another one with Tom, so that will be five for Tom, five for Harrison. And I think I’m going to leapfrog that way for the rest of my career. With Daniel Day-Lewis in everything else!”

Although he ends with a joke, Spielberg sounds quite earnest about doing an Indiana Jones 5 with Ford. Of course, one of the bigger headlines from earlier this year was the announcement that Walt Disney Pictures and Lucasfilm were eyeing Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt to potentially replace Harrison Ford as the headlining star of the Indiana Jones franchise with rumors then that Spielberg might come back to direct. It’s even entirely possible that an Indiana Jones 5 could feature both leading men, offering up a story told between two different time periods.

Although the most recent big screen adventure, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, was not entirely a hit with critics, the fourth film in the series managed to gross more than $786 million worldwide when it was released in 2008. Shortly thereafter, George Lucas hinted that plans were underway for a fifth cinematic adventure, but he admitted that he had yet to decide on a MacGuffin (A term popularized by Alfred Hitchcock, referring to a narrative element that drives the story forward, such as the Ark of the Covenant in Raiders of the Lost Ark). Following the sale of Lucasfilm to Walt Disney Pictures and Lucas’ own subsequent retirement, however, hints regarding plans for the future of the franchise have been few and far between. Ford, however, has suggested that he’s quite eager to reprise the role himself, despite turning 73 this year.

You can view the specific part of Steven Spielberg's interview in the link of the video below:


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Steven Spielberg confirms Harrison Ford is the only Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones series producer Frank Marshall recently claimed–contrary to rumors of a Bradley Cooper/Chris Pratt-type filling the role for future installments–that a hypothetical Indy 5 would not do “the Bond thing where we’re going to call somebody else Indiana Jones.” Now series mastermind Steven Spielberg has doubled down on this rhetoric, telling Screen Daily that adventure still has a name: Harrison Ford.

“I don’t think anyone could replace Harrison as Indy, I don’t think that’s ever going to happen,” confirmed Spielberg. “It’s certainly not my intention to ever have another actor step into his shoes in the way there have been many actors that have played Spider-Man or Batman. There is only going to be one actor playing Indiana Jones and that’s Harrison Ford.”

A lot of people may wonder why Spielberg would want to return to this well after years of creative struggle resulted in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which has become something of a punchline in the director’s filmography. It might have something to do with the fact that, despite the bitter reception it received, the fourth Indy installment still stands as the director’s highest-grossing movie of the last 22 years. Let that sink in for a second. Now imagine how much it would have made if the film was well-received? Yeah.

“Because there are more adventures out there than films,” Spielberg stated as his reason to want to do another. “So as long as there’s more adventures out there, I’ve got a bullwhip, a fedora, a leather jacket and a man on a horse who knows how to get the job done.”

With Ford now 73-years old and Academy Award winner Spielberg turning 69 on December 18, a fifth Indiana Jones seems like something that needs to happen sooner rather than later. Not that we have any doubts that an elder Spielberg can still bring the heat (70-year-old George Miller proved with Mad Max: Fury Road that geezers can make action movies too) and there’s probably a sense from all major parties (George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy, etc) that they don’t want the series to go out taking one on the chin. Frank Darabont’s superior script for part 4 was scrapped because Lucas wanted the film to have more action, Spielberg chose to shoot the whole globe-trotting story in the U.S. to be closer to his family, Shia LaBeouf publicly trashed it and John Hurt quipped about “the lack of enjoyment in making it.” The biggest problem with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was it was so concerned with pleasing all the people making it that they forgot about the ones who would be watching it, ultimately failing to please anybody. It’s not likely they’ll make that mistake again.


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Indiana Jones 5 coming in 2019 with Harrison Ford & Steven Spielberg!

Indiana Jones will return to the big screen on July 19, 2019, for a fifth epic adventure in the blockbuster series. Steven Spielberg, who directed all four previous films, will helm Indiana Jones 5 with star Harrison Ford reprising his iconic role. Franchise veterans Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall will produce.

“Indiana Jones is one of the greatest heroes in cinematic history, and we can’t wait to bring him back to the screen in 2019,” said Alan Horn, Chairman, The Walt Disney Studios. “It’s rare to have such a perfect combination of director, producers, actor and role, and we couldn’t be more excited to embark on this adventure with Harrison and Steven.”


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Steven Spielberg promises one big thing for Indiana Jones 5

With the 73-year-old Harrison Ford signed up for Lucasfilm‘s Indiana Jones 5, many fans are wondering/worried that director Steven Spielberg plans to have the same fate of Han Solo in The Force Awakens befall our favorite globe-trotting archaeologist. Well worry no longer, as the legendary filmmaker has told The Hollywood Reporter that he is not only “super excited” about the fifth installment but that adventure will still have a name at the end of the movie and that name will be Indiana Jones!

“I think this one is straight down the pike for the fans,” said Spielberg, who would not reveal plot details, with one exception: “The one thing I will tell you is I’m not killing off Harrison [Ford] at the end of it.”


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Indiana Jones 5 will not be the last, says Disney’s Bob Iger

Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg are currently cooking up an Indiana Jones 5 for Lucasfilm, and The Hollywood Reporter recently had a chance to sit down with Bob Iger — Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lucasfilm’s parent company Disney — to discuss the possibilities that will spring out of the fifth installment in the iconic adventure series. Does Disney plan to exploit the Indy brand the same way they are with Star Wars, i.e. multiple “saga” sequels plus a universe of prequels/spin-offs i.e. “Henry Jones Sr.: An Indiana Jones Story” or “A Marion Ravenwood Adventure”?

“Not like Star Wars, but we hope… right now, we’re focused on a reboot, or a continuum and then a reboot of some sort,” Iger cryptically stated. “Well, we’ll bring him back, then we have to figure out what comes next. That’s what I mean. It’s not really a reboot, it’s a boot — a reboot. I don’t know. We [got] Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the film. But then what’s the direction? I’ve had discussions about what the direction is, [but] I don’t want to get into it. I don’t think it reaches the scale of the universe of Star Wars, but I see making more. It won’t be just a one-off.”

This jibes with comments that series director Spielberg made about Ford’s status by the end of the next film.

“I think this one is straight down the pike for the fans,” said Spielberg recently. “The one thing I will tell you is I’m not killing off Harrison [Ford] at the end of it.”

Does that mean there’s a chance Ford could come back for framing sequences with a younger actor playing Indy in a hypothetical Indiana Jones 6, 7, 8, etc, ala the TV series “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles”? Or does this mean there will be another actor taking up the mantle in-continuity, meaning the series would continue chronologically into the 1970s, ’80s and onwards? It’s also important to note that a prequel would not be unprecedented within the series, both through the TV show and the movies themselves, with 1984’s Temple of Doom having taken place before Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the first 20 minutes of Last Crusade is also a flashback to Young Indy.


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George Lucas not involved with Indiana Jones 5

There have been three pillars for the Indiana Jones franchise since the series began with 1981’s Raiders of the Lost Ark: star Harrison Ford, director Steven Spielberg, and executive producer/story writer George Lucas. Now, however, one of the pillars will be missing for the previously-announced Indiana Jones 5, as writer David Koepp (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Jurassic Park) has revealed to Collider that Lucas has no involvement.

“He’s not (involved), to my knowledge. I’ve had no contact with him.”

It should come as no surprise that Lucas is not involved, since he sold the Lucasfilm company in 2012 to Disney and had no involvement with last year’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens either.

In the same interview, Koepp went on to talk about the progress of the fifth film’s script and offered a light-hearted joke for its content

“I’m deeply immersed as we speak. All I can say is that there’s lots of aliens and Indy dies at the end (laughs)…”

He also revealed his hope for an October 2017 production start.

“It’s certainly OK for me and I’ll be ready, but my schedule isn’t the tough one. So I think October—I hope, I hope so. We’ll see. That’s a hard one to answer.”

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Όποιος δεν θέλει να χάσει χρήμα και χρόνο καλό είναι να την αποφύγει!
Πραγματικά, είχα χρόνια να φύγω στο διάλειμμα ταινίας.......
Ανούσια κυνηγητά στους δρόμους, απουσία σεναρίου, υπερβολικά εφέ, ψηφιακές παπαριές,...καμμία σχέση με το "Raiders of the lost ark" ή ακόμη και με το "....Temple of Doom". Άντε γειά......
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Δεν μπορώ να τη συγκρίνω με τις πρώτες ταινίες αλλά ήταν σαφέστατα πιο καλή από τα "Κρανία". Η "γεύση" που μου άφησε δεν ήταν κακή. Τα εφέ όπου υπήρχαν ήταν καλοφτιαγμένα, ειδικά το deaging στην αρχή. Δεν πέρασα άσχημα. Θα μπορούσε να ήταν καλύτερο βεβαίως βεβαίως...


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Δεν την είδα για να έχω άποψη αλλά δυστυχώς φίλε μου οι σημερινές ταινίες δεν έχουν συναίσθημα, ειδικά όταν πρόκειται για σίκουελ πρίκουελ ριμέικ κτλ.
Αντί να δώσουν βάση στις ερμηνείες και σενάριο-σκηνοθεσία δίνουν στα εφέ.
Τα λεφτά να πάρουν και όλα καλά. Πετάνε εκεί ένα ψαρωτικό τρέιλερ και όσα πιάσουν...


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Δεν την είδα για να έχω άποψη αλλά δυστυχώς φίλε μου οι σημερινές ταινίες δεν έχουν συναίσθημα, ειδικά όταν πρόκειται για σίκουελ πρίκουελ ριμέικ κτλ.
Αντί να δώσουν βάση στις ερμηνείες και σενάριο-σκηνοθεσία δίνουν στα εφέ.
Ευτυχώς! :biggrin:

Η ταινία ήταν πολύ καλή.

Την κρίνω αυτόνομα χωρίς ενδιαφέρον για την "κληρονομιά" που κουβαλάνε οι τίτλοι αυτοί. Έχω δει αρκετές φορές τις προηγούμενες (τον καιρό τους) χωρίς να θυμάμαι τίποτα. Επιδερμικός θεατής γαρ.

Την κριτική την κάνουμε για τη στιγμή και την περίοδο της κυκλοφορίας. Αν μπλέξουμε τα πριν και τα μετά κάνοντας συγκρίσεις με υποκειμενικά και νοσταλγικά κριτήρια, δυσκολεύουμε τη ζωή μας. Βέβαια, για ένα μικρό ποσοστό με πιο σινεφίλ ευαισθησίες αυτό ακριβώς είναι το ζητούμενο, μόνο που οι παραγωγοί έχουν άλλες προτεραιότητες.

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Ευτυχώς! :biggrin:

Η ταινία ήταν πολύ καλή.

Την κρίνω αυτόνομα χωρίς ενδιαφέρον για την "κληρονομιά" που κουβαλάνε οι τίτλοι αυτοί. Έχω δει αρκετές φορές τις προηγούμενες (τον καιρό τους) χωρίς να θυμάμαι τίποτα. Επιδερμικός θεατής γαρ.

Την κριτική την κάνουμε για τη στιγμή και την περίοδο της κυκλοφορίας. Αν μπλέξουμε τα πριν και τα μετά κάνοντας συγκρίσεις με υποκειμενικά και νοσταλγικά κριτήρια, δυσκολεύουμε τη ζωή μας. Βέβαια, για ένα μικρό ποσοστό με πιο σινεφίλ ευαισθησίες αυτό ακριβώς είναι το ζητούμενο, μόνο που οι παραγωγοί έχουν άλλες προτεραιότητες.
Δηλαδή, ποια είναι τα κριτήρια για να πεις ότι μια ταινία είναι καλή; Τα κυνηγητά με αυτοκίνητα και καρότσια στο 80% του χρόνου που διαρκεί η ταινία;


Segregation supporter
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Δηλαδή, ποια είναι τα κριτήρια για να πεις ότι μια ταινία είναι καλή; Τα κυνηγητά με αυτοκίνητα και καρότσια στο 80% του χρόνου που διαρκεί η ταινία;
Φυσικά! Όταν μιλάνε παίζω με το κινητό. :biggrin:


Hidden Guru
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Φυσικά! Όταν μιλάνε παίζω με το κινητό. :biggrin:
Το θέμα είναι να μη φαίνεται οι συντελεστές της ταινίας σα να έπαιζαν οι ίδιοι με τίποτε άλλο...
"Indiana Jones and the... Dick of Destiny" :lolsign:

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Φυσικά! παίζω με το κινητό. :biggrin:
Εγώ ξέρω και μερικές γυναίκες που το κάνανε αυτό κατά την διάρκεια του σεξ. Δεν με πείραζε καθόλου. :D :D
Το θέμα είναι να μη φαίνεται οι συντελεστές της ταινίας σα να έπαιζαν οι ίδιοι με τίποτε άλλο...
"Indiana Jones and the... Dick of Destiny" :lolsign:
Αυτό που λέει εδώ η Bialik .... ισχύει ; Ρωτάω γιατί δεν έχω δεί κανένα. Κενό στο σενάριο χα χα.

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Hidden Guru
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Εγώ ξέρω και μερικές γυναίκες που το κάνανε αυτό κατά την διάρκεια του σεξ. Δεν με πείραζε καθόλου. :D :D

Αυτό που λέει εδώ η Bialik .... ισχύει ; Ρωτάω γιατί δεν έχω δεί κανένα. Κενό στο σενάριο χα χα.

Δεν εντοπίζεται κενό στους συλλογισμούς που διατυπώνονται. Πρέπει όμως να λογαριάζεται ότι ταινίες όπως το "Raiders of the Lost Ark" δεν έχουν αγαπηθεί τόσο πολύ για την πλοκή τους αλλά για χαρακτήρες - σύμβολα και τις καταστάσεις όπου εμπλέκονται αυτοί. Πολύ αρεστή ήταν και η τρίτη ταινία της σειράς με τον Sean Connery στο ρόλο του πατέρα Jones.

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