Mr Spock

demokratischer - sektor
Reaction score
Γιώργος Μουφλουζέλης
1. Νίκος Παπαδάτος & Λίτσα Ζανέτ

Μπάρμπα Γιάννη σαν πεθάνεις
το λουλά τι θα τον κάνεις,
το λουλά και το καλάμι
τη νταμίρα το χαβάνι;

Όρκο κάνω σας το λέω
μη με κάνετε και κλαίω
θα το βάλω προσκεφάλι
να φουμάρω και στον Άδη
...............................άν και το σωστό είναι να φουμέρνω και στον Άδη

Πού ’ σουν μάγκα τον χειμώνα
και το καλοκαίρι ακόμα;
Ήμουνα στην γη βελόνι
που πατάς και σ’ αγκυλώνει.

Τσίλιες πάνε ας το ζάρι
μη μας πάρουνε χαμπάρι
και πλακώσουν κουμπουράδες
και μας πάρουν τους λουλάδες


. . . κολλάει με τους sisters ένα πράμα . . . :headbang:


Reaction score
Leventis- Αce of Spades


(Τους είδατε
είδατε πόσο αισχροί και φασίστες είναι κι οι δυό τους

Αίσχος! αίσχος!

Πρώτη φορά ζητώ
από το θεό να με ακούσει
Να πεθάνουν οι προδότες
Οι προδότες της δημοκρατικής Ελλάδας

Κάποια ζώα δε με πιστεύανε
Κάποια ζώα δε με πιστ

...που κλείνουν το κανάλι 67
Κλείνουν και τον τάφο τους

Θεέ μου

(κλείνουν και τον τάφο τους)

Κάτοικοι της Ελλάδος
Στις 10 του Οκτώβρη
Όλοι στον οδό Χαλκοκονδύλη 9
Αλητεία! Αρκουδέιδες!

Τα καθιζήματα
Ποιος έκλεβε την ταμπακιέρα;

Αίσχος! Αλητεία
Να πάνε στο διάολο όλοι

Θεέ μου

Να στείλει ο θεός καρκίνο;
Να πάνε στο διάολο όλοι
Αν είσαι εκεί που είσαι
Να πιάσει το Μητσοτάκη και τον Παπανδρέου καρκΙνος

Οι φασίστες, το διάολο να πάρετε

(Θέλανε να με κλείσουν, να κλείσουν το κανάλι 67)
Το σπίτι τους να κλείσει,
και όλα τους τα σόγια να πεθάνουν από καρκίνο
Ποτέ δεν έκανα κατάρα,
την κάνω και θα την κάνει ο λαός της Αθήνας

Ζητούμε από το θεό
να πεθάνει ο Μητσοτάκης και ο Αντρέας Παπαντρέου, δυο γέροι
Να πεθάνουνε κι οι δύο τους
είναι συμφορά για την Ελλάδα

Θεέ μου

Αίσχος, αίσχος, κυβέρνηση φασιστών



Μηδέν οι ώρες τους!



Leventis- Αce of Spades


(Τους είδατε
είδατε πόσο αισχροί και φασίστες είναι κι οι δυό τους

Αίσχος! αίσχος!

Πρώτη φορά ζητώ
από το θεό να με ακούσει
Να πεθάνουν οι προδότες
Οι προδότες της δημοκρατικής Ελλάδας

Κάποια ζώα δε με πιστεύανε
Κάποια ζώα δε με πιστ

...που κλείνουν το κανάλι 67
Κλείνουν και τον τάφο τους

Θεέ μου

(κλείνουν και τον τάφο τους)

Κάτοικοι της Ελλάδος
Στις 10 του Οκτώβρη
Όλοι στον οδό Χαλκοκονδύλη 9
Αλητεία! Αρκουδέιδες!

Τα καθιζήματα
Ποιος έκλεβε την ταμπακιέρα;

Αίσχος! Αλητεία
Να πάνε στο διάολο όλοι

Θεέ μου

Να στείλει ο θεός καρκίνο;
Να πάνε στο διάολο όλοι
Αν είσαι εκεί που είσαι
Να πιάσει το Μητσοτάκη και τον Παπανδρέου καρκΙνος

Οι φασίστες, το διάολο να πάρετε

(Θέλανε να με κλείσουν, να κλείσουν το κανάλι 67)
Το σπίτι τους να κλείσει,
και όλα τους τα σόγια να πεθάνουν από καρκίνο
Ποτέ δεν έκανα κατάρα,
την κάνω και θα την κάνει ο λαός της Αθήνας

Ζητούμε από το θεό
να πεθάνει ο Μητσοτάκης και ο Αντρέας Παπαντρέου, δυο γέροι
Να πεθάνουνε κι οι δύο τους
είναι συμφορά για την Ελλάδα

Θεέ μου

Αίσχος, αίσχος, κυβέρνηση φασιστών



Μηδέν οι ώρες τους!
Το στιχουργικό μεγαλείο μου προξένησε ρίγη συγκίνησης!

Ανταποδίδω και αφιερώνω το κάτωθι άσμα στον Ζαπ:




Γεια σου ρε AKARL μερακλή! :hi:

Η αφιέρωσή σου με άφησε ξέπνοο - πρέθλες που λέμε:


Αη λάικ φλούεντ γκρήκλις βέρυ μπέστ!

Δε με λες .... προχωρημένη Ινδική και Γιαπωνέζικη μουσική σε αρέζει; :spiteful: :taunt:


Reaction score
Είμαι αρκετά υποψιασμένος... 8-)

Ρίξε λεβέντη μου να καούν τα κάρβουνα! :drinks:



Είμαι αρκετά υποψιασμένος... 8-)

Ρίξε λεβέντη μου να καούν τα κάρβουνα! :drinks:
Συνεχύζουμε με τη μαγευτική Γιαπωνία.

Δώσε βάση στους στίχοι .... (για να είμεθα και ον τόπικ)


Reaction score
Έχω θυμό μεγάλο, έχω τσατίλα,
εγίνανε τα νεύρα μου τσατάλια,
λες κι η ζωή επίτηδες το κάμνει
και μου πετάει ομπρός μου κι ένα βλαμμένο,
κι ένα βλαμμένο, κι ένα βλαμμένο,
κι ένα βλαμμένο, κι ένα βλαμμένο.

Του `χωσε φράγκα ο γέρος να τονε σπουδάσει
μα έμεινε ένα τούβλο, ένα κωθώνι,
του πήρε κι ένα σπίτι κι ένα αμάξι,
του βρήκε και δουλειά του παλιοφλώρου,
του παλιοφλώρου, του παλιοφλώρου,
του παλιοφλώρου, του παλιοφλώρου.

Έπιασε μια καρέκλα και τα ξύνει,
δεν ξέρει πόσο κάμνουν δυο και δύο,
μου πήρε και το ύφος του ξερόλα
πώς να μην τρελαθώ με τον μαλάκα,
με τον μαλάκα, με τον μαλάκα,
με τον μαλάκα, με τον μαλάκα.

Τις πιο πολλές φορές τονε λυπάμαι
μα άνθρωπος είμαι κι εγώ, πόσο θ’ αντέξω,
κι αν τύχει και ζητήσει και τα ρέστα
αλίμονό του τότε του χαραμοφάη,
χαραμοφάη, χαραμοφάη,
χαραμοφάη, χαραμοφάη.

Του παλιοφλώρου, του παλιοφλώρου,
με τον μαλάκα, με τον μαλάκα.

Γιάννης μηλιωκας - χαραμοφαης

Reaction score
Το στιχουργικό μεγαλείο μου προξένησε ρίγη συγκίνησης!

Ανταποδίδω και αφιερώνω το κάτωθι άσμα στον Ζαπ:

Χα χααχα ..
Τι ήταν αυτό ..
Γ@μηθηκα στα γέλια... ... .

Reaction score
Talking Heads - The Lady Don't Mind

Last time she jumped out the window, well, she only turned and
smiled. You might think she would say something, but you'd have to
wait a while.

Well the lady don't mind.
No, no, no, the lady don't mind
She just turns her head and disappears,
I kinda like that style

Little boat that floats on a river, it's drifting through a haze
She stops by whenever she wants to, well, there she goes again

Well, it's no trouble at all.
No, no, no trouble at all
Well, what she does
is all right with me, and
I kinda like that style

Come on. come on. I go up and down.
I like this curious feeling. I know, I see.
It's like make believe. Cover your ears
so you can hear what I'm saying.
I'm not lost but I don't know
Where I am. I got a question.
All right. All right. This is what we like.
Who knows, who knows,
What I'm thinking

She says love is not what she's after,
and everyone knows.
Each time she looks in the mirror,
she lets her feelings show.

Well, the lady don't mind
No, no, no, the lady don't mind.
Well, what she says is all right by me,
and I kinda like that style

Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Here we go again
I don't know, I don't know,
What I'm sayin'.
Hey man. Hey man.
I sure don't feel the same
She likes to say what she's feeling
Hey. Did I get a big surprise.
I know you think so.
Come on. Come on. She says anything.
Who knows, who knows,
what she's thinking.


Hidden Guru
Reaction score
Anette Askvik : "Liberty" (το κομμάτι που ακουγόταν στο βίντεο των Paradigm Persona)

Our bodies are hurting like hell
They promised to never leave us alone
Our hearts are breaking like bones
They're picking stars like apples from the sky
Threatening to throw them in the sea
So we won't have anything to gaze upon

What happened to liberty?
And the bridges we almost got done
What happened to that?
Was going to take us home

Dreams are breaking like glass
But faith is
Hard like stone

Sometimes so hard to see
When I lie down and forget
This you need to be telling me
What happened to liberty?
And the bridges we almost got done
What happened to that?
Was going to take us home


Mr Spock

demokratischer - sektor
Reaction score
- They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . . They Walked in Line . . .

Joy Division - They Walked in Line



Reaction score
SoM-some kind of stranger, που και που μου ρχεται στο κεφαλι, κατι θα μου θυμιζει απο παλιοτερα..αλλα δεν μπορω να θυμηθω ..
"names are just for souvenirs"
"memories may last for years"

Reaction score
Ευτυχισμένες οικογένειες:o
του Παυλάκη Ρολάνδου

Father's pruning the roses, the noise it gets me down,
But a snip, snip, snip of the sharp shears and he's planted underground.
Mother knits in the parlour, needles click something cruel,
Now Mummy's wrapped in the armchair, from head to foot in wool.

Quiet please, you know I'm nervy,
What's my plea? Why, it's 'Not Guilty',
I'm not wicked, loved my family,
I just wanted a little peace and quiet.

Brother bought a Bugatti, when it starts the whole house shakes,
But soon he'll be off on a long run, non-stop 'cause I fixed his breakes.
Sister practised piano, she practised night and day,
Then I did what she did to Beethoven, but in a quite ingenious way.

Uncle slept in the study, it's true he used to snore,
But I haven't heard him lately as he sleeps beneath the floor.
Aunty Bertha is quiet, she hadn't done a thing,
Still, I stuffed her in the dryer, 'cause I'd promised her a spin.




Roger Waters - Leaving Beirut

So we left Beirut Willa and I
He headed East to Baghdad and the rest of it
I set out North
I walked the five or six miles to the last of the street lamps
And hunkered in the curb side dusk
Holding out my thumb
In no great hope at the ramshackle procession of home bound traffic
An ancient Mercedes 'dolmus'
The ubiquitous, Arab, shared taxi drew up
I turned out my pockets and shrugged at the driver
"J'ai pas de l'argent"
"Venez!" A soft voice from the back seat
The driver lent wearily across and pushed open the back door
I stooped to look inside at the two men there
One besuited, bespectacled, moustached, irritated, distant, late
The other, the one who had spoken,
Frail, fifty five-ish, bald, sallow, in a short sleeved pale blue cotton shirt
With one biro in the breast pocket
A clerk maybe, slightly sunken in the seat
"Venez!" He said again, and smiled
"Mais j'ai pas de l'argent"
"Oui, Oui, d'accord, Venez!"

Are these the people that we should bomb
Are we so sure they mean us harm
Is this our pleasure, punishment or crime
Is this a mountain that we really want to climb
The road is hard, hard and long
Put down that two by four
This man would never turn you from his door
Oh George! Oh George!
That Texas education must have fucked you up when you were very small

He beckoned with a small arthritic motion of his hand
Fingers together like a child waving goodbye
The driver put my old Hofner guitar in the boot with my rucksack
And off we went
"Vous etes Francais, monsieur?"
"Non, Anglais"
"Ah! Anglais"
"Est-ce que vous parlais Anglais, Monsieur?"
"Non, je regrette"
And so on
In small talk between strangers, his French alien but correct
Mine halting but eager to please
A lift, after all, is a lift
Late moustache left us brusquely
And some miles later the dolmus slowed at a crossroads lit by a single lightbulb
Swung through a U-turn and stopped in a cloud of dust
I opened the door and got out
But my benefactor made no move to follow
The driver dumped my guitar and rucksack at my feet
And waving away my thanks returned to the boot
Only to reappear with a pair of alloy crutches
Which he leaned against the rear wing of the Mercedes.
He reached into the car and lifted my companion out
Only one leg, the second trouser leg neatly pinned beneath a vacant hip
"Monsieur, si vous voulez, ca sera un honneur pour nous
Si vous venez avec moi a la maison pour manger avec ma femme"

When I was 17 my mother, bless her heart, fulfilled my summer dream
She handed me the keys to the car
We motored down to Paris, fuelled with Dexedrine and booze
Got bust in Antibes by the cops
And fleeced in Naples by the wops
But everyone was kind to us, we were the English dudes
Our dads had helped them win the war
When we all knew what we were fighting for
But now an Englishman abroad is just a US stooge
The bulldog is a poodle snapping round the scoundrel's last refuge

"Ma femme", thank God! Monopod but not queer
The taxi drove off leaving us in the dim light of the swinging bulb
No building in sight
What the hell
"Merci monsieur"
"Bon, Venez!"
His faced creased in pleasure, he set off in front of me
Swinging his leg between the crutches with agonising care
Up the dusty side road into the darkness
After half an hour we'd gone maybe half a mile
When on the right I made out the low profile of a building
He called out in Arabic to announce our arrival
And after some scuffling inside a lamp was lit
And the changing angle of light in the wide crack under the door
Signalled the approach of someone within
The door creaked open and there, holding a biblical looking oil lamp
Stood a squat, moustached woman, stooped smiling up at us
She stood aside to let us in and as she turned
I saw the reason for her stoop
She carried on her back a shocking hump
I nodded and smiled back at her in greeting, fighting for control
The gentleness between the one-legged man and his monstrous wife
Almost too much for me

Is gentleness too much for us
Should gentleness be filed along with empathy
We feel for someone else's child
Every time a smart bomb does its sums and gets it wrong
Someone else's child dies and equities in defence rise
America, America, please hear us when we call
You got hip-hop, be-bop, hustle and bustle
You got Atticus Finch
You got Jane Russell
You got freedom of speech
You got great beaches, wildernesses and malls
Don't let the might, the Christian right, fuck it all up
For you and the rest of the world

They talked excitedly
She went to take his crutches in routine of care
He chiding, gestured
We have a guest
She embarrassed by her faux pas
Took my things and laid them gently in the corner
"Du the?"
We sat on meagre cushions in one corner of the single room
The floor was earth packed hard and by one wall a raised platform
Some six foot by four covered by a simple sheet, the bed
The hunchback busied herself with small copper pots over an open hearth
And brought us tea, hot and sweet
And so to dinner
Flat, unleavened bread, + thin
Cooked in an iron skillet over the open hearth
Then folded and dipped into the soft insides of female sea urchins
My hostess did not eat, I ate her dinner
She would hear of nothing else, I was their guest
And then she retired behind a curtain
And left the men to sit drinking thimbles full of Arak
Carefully poured from a small bottle with a faded label
Soon she reappeared, radiant
Carrying in her arms their pride and joy, their child.
I'd never seen a squint like that
So severe that as one eye looked out the other disappeared behind its nose

Not in my name, Tony, you great war leader you
Terror is still terror, whosoever gets to frame the rules
History's not written by the vanquished or the damned
Now we are Genghis Khan, Lucretia Borghia, Son of Sam
In 1961 they took this child into their home
I wonder what became of them
In the cauldron that was Lebanon
If I could find them now, could I make amends?
How does the story end?

And so to bed, me that is, not them
Of course they slept on the floor behind a curtain
Whilst I lay awake all night on their earthen bed
Then came the dawn and then their quiet stirrings
Careful not to wake the guest
I yawned in great pretence
And took the proffered bowl of water heated up and washed
And sipped my coffee in its tiny cup
And then with much "merci-ing" and bowing and shaking of hands
We left the woman to her chores
And we men made our way back to the crossroads
The painful slowness of our progress accentuated by the brilliant morning light
The dolmus duly reappeared
My host gave me one crutch and leaning on the other
Shook my hand and smiled
"Merci, monsieur," I said
"De rien"
"And merci a votre femme, elle est tres gentille"
Giving up his other crutch
He allowed himself to be folded into the back seat again
"Bon voyage, monsieur," he said
And half bowed as the taxi headed south towards the city
I turned North, my guitar over my shoulder
And the first hot gust of wind
Quickly dried the salt tears from my young cheeks.

Reaction score
Roky Erickson "We are never talking"

Though we are in the same place
We surely know the beauty
Of each other's face
Into each other
We are not loving
Though we know where we are coming
And the sun for light in heaven is sunning
Into each other we are never running
We can for long time
Talk and talk
But no matter how long we may talk
We are not talking
We may trip for miles
And no matter how we travel
We are never walking
We are never walking
We are never walking
We are never walking
We are never walking
Though we are in the same place
We surely know the beauty of each other's face
Into each other we are not loving

Reaction score
δυό στροφές σιγοτραγουδάς και ταντάααμ ζεις το American dream

Frank Zappa - Bobby Brown Goes Down

Hey, there people I'm Bobby Brown,
They say I'm the cutest boy in town!
My car is fast, my teeth are shiny,
I tell all the girls they can kiss my heine!
Here I am at a famous school,
I present sharp and I'm acting cool
I've got a cheerleader here wants to help
With my paper let her do all the work
And maybe later I rape her!
Oh, god I am the American dream
I do not think I'm too extreme
And I'm a handsome son of a bitch,
I'm gonna get a good job and be real rich!
(Get a good, get a good, get a good, get a good)
Womans liberation
Came creeping all across the nation
I tell you, people, I was not ready
When I fucked this Dyke by the name of Freddi!
She made a little speech then,
Oh she tried to make me say when
She had my balls in a vice but she left the dick,
I guess it's still hooked on but now it shoots to quick!
Oh, god I am the American dream,
But now I smell like Vaseline
And I'm a miserable son of a bitch
Am I a boy or a lady I don't know which!
(I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder)
So I went out and bought me a leisure suit
I jingling my change but I'm still kind cute
Got a job, doing radio promo,
And none of the jocks can even tell I'm a homo!
Eventually me and a friend,
Sort of drifted along into S&M
I can take about an hour on the tower of power,
As long as I get my little golden shower
Oh, god I am the American dream,
With a spindle up my butt till it makes me scream
An' I'll do anything to get ahead
I lay awake nights sayin, ' "Thank you, Fred!"
Oh God, Oh God, I'm so fantastic!
Thanks to Freddie, I'm a sexual spastic
And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now; I'm goin' down,
And my name is Bobby Brown
Watch me now; I'm goin' down,
And my name is Bobby Brown,
Watch me now, I'm going down
Haha, yeah, I knew you'd be surprised!

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