Meridian MQA


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"A revolutionary British technology is bringing a whole new meaning to the sound of music.

We go all the way back to the original master recording and capture it completely. Every detail, every tiny drop
of emotion, is authentically reproduced.

Which means, for the first time in the history of recorded
music, you’re really hearing the artist’s performance."


1) Original master recording
2) Sampled using MQA encapsulation process
3) Downloaded/streamed in any lossless format
4) Decoded by hardware, software player or app

"Traditionally, digital coding has been designed with the primary assumption that how it deals with the frequency range and how it preserves the timing relationships between frequencies are both equally important.

MQA takes a different view, tailoring the way it samples the original signal (or recording) to take into account the way people's hearing works on a fundamental level. Meridian calls this process 'encapsulation', and it's a method of coding that majors on getting timing precision right.

An MQA music file uses PCM, and it's backward-compatible. A product without the necessary MQA decoding will read the core code and, it's claimed, will deliver CD-quality sound.

MQA can be delivered inside any lossless container, e.g. Apple Lossless, FLAC or WAV.

Hardware with an integrated MQA decoder (and that can be hardware in the home, in the car or portable) will unpack the additional information contained in the file, turning the data stream into what was originally recorded in the studio.

Significantly, the bandwith required for MQA is similar to that required for CD-quality streams, and so puts no additional pressure on data requirements.

While we have seen lossless, CD-quality streaming services from Tidal and Qobuz, MQA opens-up the possibility of high-resolution music streaming services.

Bob Stuart, founder of Meridian Audio, said: "Music-lovers need no longer be shortchanged... finally we can all hear exactly what the musicians recorded. MQA gives a clear, accurate and authentic path from the recording studio all the way to any listening environment."

We understand MQA already enjoys broad support from the music industry, recording artists and record labels, and expect further details regarding MQA as an app, software and/or hardware to be forthcoming at CES 2015 in Las Vegas."


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"MQA samples the audio signal in three different ways, and then encapsulates the three signals into a bitstream that fits in a conventional 96kHz/24-bit package that can be stored or transferred as a FLAC, ALAC, or other lossless file format."

"At the demo nearly a year ago, Meridian co-founder Bob Stuart was mum on the details, but I surmised that the system was a complementary encode-decode technology that delivered better-than-high-res quality in a standard-resolution or moderately high-resolution bit-rate. Stuart made a few comments that led me to that conclusion, including a reference to his belief that most of the massive number of bits generated by 192kHz/24-bit encoding are useless baggage rather than conveyors of real musical information. He also pointed out that the neural pathways from the ear to the brain are quite low in bandwidth, which suggested to me the line of research Stuart had been pursuing—namely that the type of information received by the brain is more important than the sheer quantity of information. Stuart has a long history in academic psychoacoustic research, so it’s no surprise that he would base a new encoding technology on how we hear rather than simply by pursuing refinements to existing digital architectures."

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Πολύ καλό θέμα!

Θα ήταν πολύ ενδιαφέρον να΄προσφέρουν κάποια αρχεία δωρεάν για κατέβασμα ώστε να δούμε τις δυνατότητές του.

Αν κάνει όλα αυτά που υπόσχεται όπως τα υπόσχεται τότε μαζί με την συμβατότητά του με μορφές μη απολεστικής συμπίεσης όπως flac - alac κλπ θα έχει μέλλον.

Θέλω πολύ να το ακούσω στην πράξη.


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7digital, which powers a number of streaming and download services, has now confirmed it will adopt Meridian MQA.

This news follows recent announcements that 7digital will be powering "high definition" music services from Panasonic and Onkyo, Technics Tracks and e-Onkyo respectively.

Simon Cole, CEO of 7digital, said: "MQA is a revolutionary new development in the journey towards serving consumers the purest high resolution digital files.

"MQA, which will be available in early 2015, delivers the quality of original studio recordings so cleverly and efficiently that it can be conveniently streamed or downloaded. I truly believe MQA will become the standard for high quality streaming in the years to come."

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ok όλα αυτά.. αλλά υπάρχουν γενικώς κάποιες παρατηρήσεις όπως..

- Πόσο αλήθεια μπορεί να κρύβει άλλη μια προσπάθεια μιας γνωστής αλλά και ταυτόχρονα εμπορικής φίρμας για έναν νέο τρόπο ψηφιοποίσης??
- Μέχρι τώρα όλα αυτά που ψηφιοποίησησαν σε HD, DSD κλπ και κατεβάζουμε (αγοραστά ή λουλού) δεν είναι τελικά καλής ποιότητας-ανάλυσης και θα τα πετάξουμε για ν' αγοράσουμε νέα??
- Πως θα πάρουν με τη νέα φοβερή και τρομερή μέθοδο την υπερβολική ανάλυση και ποιότητα από 'μπαγιάτικα' master tapes 40 & 50 ετών??

βέβαια ποτέ δε λέμε όχι σε μια νέα προσπάθεια, θα το ακούσουμε (όπως λέει ο Πάνος) και θα δούμε


Rehdeko & Harbeth lover
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Πολύ κατανοητή παρουσίαση εδώ. Και ως ιδέα αλλά και ως υλοποίηση, το MQA φαίνεται εξαιρετικό! Για να δούμε τι αποδοχή θα έχει από τη μουσική βιομηχανία, όταν ξεκαθαρίσει και το κόστος της άδειας χρήσης.

J. Atkinson: "Judging by the recordings I heard in Manhattan, some dating back to the early 1950s, I feel the launch of Meridian's MQA is as important to the quality of sound recording and playback as digital was 35 years ago."

J. V. Serinus: "As compelling as the untreated hi-res file sounded, I literally laughed at the difference when the MQA version began."


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Our brains, it seems, are wired more toward temporal and spatial cues than timbral ones. This may seem obvious on investigation – if you hear a twig crack at night in the woods, you are alerted to where that ‘crack’ sound came from first, and after that fill in the blanks (‘sounded like a twig cracking’). While one follows the other almost instantaneously, one still follows the other. Neuroimaging tests show activity in different parts of the brain; transients trigger activity in Wernicke’s Area (in the boundary between the parietal and temporal lobe), where melody and timbre are associated with activity in the right frontal hemisphere of the brain known as Broca’s Area. The distance between the primary auditory cortex and Broca’s Area is far greater than that of the primary auditory cortex and Wernicke’s Area; not long enough for us to hear the attack of a sound and its timbral properties as different entities, but long enough for us to both process - and it seems weight in terms of significance – that temporal and spatial information faster than the timbral.

In overly simplistic terms, when we sample a piece of music in PCM, we work to the frequency domain and bring the time domain along for the ride. Traditionally this has been no problem, because the response time for a human brain to process tones is slower than any potential inter-sample timing errors. However, what we were measuring was the time taken for Broca’s Area to process steady-state test tones; once we look to the speed at which those temporal cues get processed in Wernicke’s Area, things are not so clear-cut, and our response to such cues is approaching that of the timing errors inherent to current digital audio systems. MQA is designed as a system that takes a more time/frequency approach rather than the current frequency-dominant sampling method, thereby addressing the speed we process temporal cues.

“Our aim is an improved time/frequency balance in a high-performance chain whose errors, from the perspective of the human listener, are equivalent to no more than those introduced by sound traveling a short distance through air.”

The system, it seems acts as an encapsulated signal along traditional PCM lines, and allows full backwards compatibility, in that it a MQA signal can act as a conventional PCM recording if it meets a device that does not support MQA. It also allows MQA encoding of any recording, past, present, or future.

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πρέπει να είναι από ποιητής και πάνω, κάποιος για να γράφει τέτοια αριστουργήματα.
Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι θα πρέπει να δίνουμε μεγαλύτερη σημασία στις συνθήκες ακρόασης και στην ψυχική μας κατάσταση, όταν ακούμε μουσική για διασκέδαση γιατί μόνο αυτό τελικά έχει αξία.

Η περισσότερη πληροφορία μπαίνει από το ένα αυτί και βγαίνει από το άλλο !


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Tidal, the CD-quality music streaming service recently launched in the UK, is working in conjunction with Meridian using MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) technology to develop a high-resolution streaming service for launch later this year. The move was confirmed by Pal Bratelund, Tidal's Strategic Partnership Manager, when we interviewed him at CES 2015.

Bratelund says that Tidal is already working with Meridian to adopt MQA, which enables the more effective packaging of high-resolution music files so they can be streamed without using up huge amounts of bandwidth, which has previously been the barrier to high-res music streaming.

"The technology is there, now it's about securing content rights for high-res music, which is a whole different game from Red Book CD quality," says Bratelund.

So how much will the new high-res streaming service cost? "Price remains to be negotiated, it's quite likely that lossless (CD) streaming will be commoditised and the price will drop a little bit and high-res will sit above that. But I don't think we'll see a doubling of the price again [from the current £20/month for CD streaming]. It might be quite a nice offering."

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Τελευταια νεα απο τον Robert Harley του absolute sound. Αναδημοσιευση απο το "the absolute sound" Μαρτιου 16.

Η υπεροχη του φορματ κατα τα λεγομενα του ειναι αδιαμφισβητητη. Αναμενονται συγκριτικα με "ανταγωνιστικα" φορματ σε επομενα τευχη.


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Κατεβαστε free MQA αρχειο απο την 2L audio και συγκρινετε το με ολα τα γνωστα φορματ εδω:

παιζει σε οποιοδηποτε DAC, βεβαια χρειαζεται MQA decoder για να ακουσει κανεις τη συγκεκριμενη τεχνολογια.

Εδω χρειαζεται ενα Mytek Brooklyn. Παιζει ολα τα αρχεια της σελιδας. Πουντο ομως......


Αρχαιολάγνος πιουριτανίστας
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Το Brooklyn αν δεν κανω λαθος δεν παιζει ακομα MQA. Ειναι σε αναμονη firmware update. Το Meridian Explorer 2 νομιζω παιζει ηδη.

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κρινοντας απο την μπροσουρα φαινεται οτι παιζει.

επιςης κι εδω το αναφερουν:

Αν δεν κανω λαθος ακουσα και τον Bob Stuart σε μια συνεντευξη στο "what hi-fi" απο την CES να το αναφερει. Σιγουρα θυμαμαι ανεφερε οτι και η Auralic εχει ετοιμο προιον. Επισης ειπε οτι μεχρι το Πασχα αναμενονται πολλα προιοντα. Αν βρω το βιντεο λινκ θα το ανεβασω.

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το βρηκα:
στο 6:44 αναφερει τις Mytek, DCS και Berkeley, πιο κατω και την Auralic

επισης το λεει εδω ξεκαθαρα για το Mytek:

εδω επισης πληροφοριες για εταιρειες που ετοιμαζουν η εχουν ηδη ετοιμο MQA ready προιον:


Ears of Gold
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Το Brooklyn αν δεν κανω λαθος δεν παιζει ακομα MQA. Ειναι σε αναμονη firmware update. Το Meridian Explorer 2 νομιζω παιζει ηδη.
Επιβεβαιώνω ως κάτοχος, οτι το Meridian Explorer 2 παίζει MQA.

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Αρη το Meridian σε σχεση με το dragonfly εχει διαφορες?,ειμαι λιγο offtopic αλλα βρηκα ευκαιρια :D

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